Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ely is Such a Big Boy

The other day at school, Ely's teacher told me I needed to start packing more in his lunch because he was saying he is still hungry.  He has been eating us out of house and home lately!  He obviously has gone through a huge growth!  Not only does he look taller, he has been communicating in such a different way!  

We were trying to decide when to go on a walk the other day (before or after dinner) and he said to Mark and I with his hands held up "I don't care guys, it's up to you"

He was swinging on his belly the other day and fell of .. We asked if he was ok and he said
"Yeah, I'm fine.. I just got a little greedy"  (where did he come up with that??)

He's still up to his too smart for his own good shenanigans though. This morning I thought he was playing games on the ipad, when he started looking at toys on Amazon.  I wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but I'm pretty sure I heard him say "I want this, this, this etc"  
So fast forward a few hours, and Mark sends me an email asking why I bought like 10 things on Amazon through his account.  Yep.  Our son is now an online shopper.  Luckily I was able to cancel it!

The other day he wanted to wrap a present.  Here he is doing that.  He did a great job!!

He is just so great with Fynn. he told him the other day "Finny, once you finish your dinner, you can come sit in my lap and then I will get you some ice cream"  Every night if the boys eat their dinner, Ely serves he and Fynn a scoop of ice cream.

I was drinking wine from a plastic cup and Fynn thought it was coffee because it was dark.  He said
"Mommy Cockee" (how he says coffee)  Ely then peered down into my cup and all he said was "mmmmm wine"  So funny, or scary.. he knew it was wine and not coffee.

Occasionally Ely will want to make his own breakfast in the morning!  He now gets up, brushes his teeth and washes his face on his own, then goes to the kitchen, gets his step stool, and makes his own cereal!

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