Monday, November 18, 2013

Fynn and His Guitar

For the last couple of months, Fynn has literally been obsessed with his guitar.  It goes everywhere with him and no one is allowed to touch it.  He will sit in the playroom by himself and strum tunes.  He is now into making up his own songs.  The other day I heard him singing about the moon!  Maybe a country singer on our hands? Sometimes I even hear him singing in Hebrew!  And we find it very interesting that he will only strum with his left hand.  I took him up to Kidville the other day, and instead of running around and playing, he was mesmerized by our friend here playing the guitar.

Here is the infamous guitar.  He doesn't know it yet, but he is getting another one for Chanukah, this one is so old sometimes I have to bang it on the ground for it to work!  

We are borrowing Porter's dinosaur costume, and he was super excited that he had a tail.  Here he is holding his tail for the picture

This little guy sure is full of personality.  He likes to hit his big brother for no real reason.. When I tell him he has to go to time out he says "okay" in a sing song voice.  Once he is in time out, he like to sing Happy Birthday.  It is actually pretty darn cute.  It is hard to stay mad at him for long.  

He doesn't have a care in the world.  
Anytime we go somewhere, he leisurely walks along (at a snails pace) looking up at the sky or at something else, and I can't even count the number of times he walks smack dab into something.

He loves Max and Ruby.  It's the only show he will watch. He says
"Mommy, more Max and Ruby please"  But Ruby sounds like Wooby

He has started being a bit picky during dinner.. so we thought saying
"Fynn, if you are not going to eat dinner, then you need to go to Night Night" would work.. but
He says "okay I want to go night night"  And he is totally dead serious!  The kid LOVES to sleep!

He has been sick with a cold and yesterday he said "Mommy, I feel better now"  I just can't believe how verbal this one is!

Now when he toots, he likes to blame it on someone else.  He will say "Daddy tooted" and literally cracks himself up.

He is totally ready to be potty trained, it's me that is dragging my feet!  He tells me  "Mommy I poo poo" or  "Mommy I wet"

The other day I was wearing a jacket that I hadn't worn in a very long time and he said
"Mommy new jacket?"

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