Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh these Boys

The things they say!!!  I have some funny ones today.  Ely and Fynn love each other so SO much.  This is why even on the toughest days, I am so happy to have 3 boys all so close in age.  They love doing boy things together, and it's great that they have each other to share the same interests.  Right now, digging in the mud outside is top priority.  They really have become inseparable, with very little fighting.

Here they are cuddling in Fynn's crib.

Ely will wait to eat his snack until Fynn wakes up so they can eat together.  Each one always asks when the other will wake up, it's so cute.  They are also starting to do all that "gross" boy stuff -

Fynn likes to watch Ely go poo poo.  He runs and tells me  "Ely poo poo" like it's SO cool.
They laugh at each others toots, and then try to say that it was Mommy or Daddy that tooted.
Fynn likes to try and pull Ely's underwear down and say "pee pee"  Ely thinks its hysterical and lets him do it of course.

The other day I asked Ely a question and this is how he answered me 
"how bout NO"

Wow, really!!??

And then yesterday he looked at something and said 
"What the heck"

Sleepyhead here has been talking up a storm!

His new favorite things to say

"super high"
"Aim"  (he will tell Ely to aim when he is throwing)
"oh.. man" (when something bad happens)
When Fynn tells me "No", I will ask him why and he says...."cuz" 
Oh and I love it when he tells me wants dinosaur oatmeal for breakfast.
" I want chocolate milk dinosaur oatmeal"  
I have no idea why he says chocolate milk in front of it!

He is talking in sentences -

"Mommy, move that towel"
"Mommy, I need that"
He was make believe playing with his bugs and pretended they were biting him and said -
"ouch, that hurts"
so he climbed on the bed to get away from them and said
"I climb on bed", "bye bye bugs"

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