Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Zander is 3 Weeks Old

I say this every time, but with the 3rd baby, time is definately flying by the fastest!!  He is the baby.. and I want him to stay that way!!  This little guy is getting pretty spoiled with all the hugs and rocking :) 
He and we are loving every minute of it.


  1. oh my heavens, I had no idea you had a third baby!!!! and ANOTHER BOY!!! how exciting for yall!!! gosh where have I been!!! I finally starting to get back into blogging. We moved to college station about a year and half ago and things have been crazy every since. as you will soon find out three kids will definitely keep you busy. My oldest two will head to kinder her in a couple weeks and Im looking forward to finally getting back to my blog and checking in on everyone again :) congrats on your new baby boy!!!!! :)

  2. Hi Alicia!! I am so glad I just saw your comment! Yes, I can see how 3 will keep me so so busy! Especially since my last two are only 22 months apart. Will you be back home for Christmas? We really should try to get together!
