Tuesday, August 28, 2012

After nap snack and bike ride

After the boys wake up from their nap, they have a snack and then it is off to play.  Lately Fynn loves to eat a graham cracker.  It is so cute to watch him go to town on it!

We went for a walk on the trail behind hour house after snack the other day.  Ely rode his trike all the way to the park, however he was pretty hot and tired after that so Mama had to pull them back like this!  It was a good work out!

I have a few funny Ely stories or rather things he has said -

The other day I left my wallet at City Vet and we were already running late to the Kirby's house, so I had to turn around in rush hour traffic to go get it (ugh) I was driving a bit too fast in the parking lot and Ely goes "Excuse me cars"  I nearly fell out of my seat I was laughing so hard, but it was also a good reminder to SLOW down!! 

This morning he and I were talking at the same time and he held up his hand and said "Mommy, stop talking for one second"  That shut me up!!

I always let him watch some TV while I put Fynn down for his nap.  I then get Ely for his.  So as I was turning the TV off for Ely's nap he said "Coming up next on Nick Jr... Peppa Pig"  and he said it in an "commentator" type  voice.  Hilarious!!

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